Picture Postcards – a Bibliography

Picture Postcards – a Bibliography
9,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. | zzgl. Versand
Art.Nr.: 9366 B en
ISBN: 9783932198038
Lieferzeit:3-4 Tage**
Gewicht:0.15 Kg


Including a History of Deltiology

Stamp Collector's Guides, volume 7e – Supplement to volume 7

by Thomas Fürst

DIN A5  brochure, 60 pages, supplement to „Stamp Collector's Guides" (Ratgeber für Briefmarkensammler), Volume 7, © Phil*Creativ GmbH, Schwalmtal 2016, ISBN 978-3-932198-03-8


Thomas Fürst:  Picture Postcards – a Bibliography, supplemented by a History of Deltiology

A few years ago the brochure "Die Welt des Ansichtskartensammelns" (The World of Colleting Picture Postcards), Volume 7 of the series "Ratgeber für Briefmarkensammler" / "Stamp Collector's Guides", had been published and still is very popular. However, it only contains a small list of literature concerning the subject. That is why Thomas Fürst, one of the authors decided to work on a much more extended list of literature about picture postcards. And here it is. Apart from that this bochure contains an overview of the history of deltiology.

DIN A5  brochure, 60 pages, supplement to „Stamp Collector's Guides" (Ratgeber für Briefmarkensammler), Volume 7, © Phil*Creativ GmbH, Schwalmtal 2016, ISBN 978-3-932198-03-8